15 May, 2020
A note from the Pastor
Hello all,
I hope this finds you doing well and enjoying the beautiful spring weather. I have been so encouraged as so many of you have continued to reach out and check on each other during these uncertain times. The reports have been encouraging but I know that everyone is wondering when we will be able to return to church and things will get back to normal. This week I have had meetings with the Bishop, our DS and the Unified Committee to discuss how things will look as we move forward.
That being, said, please keep in mind that the underlying object though out the process has been and will continue to be that we do nothing that would potentially impact anyone negatively. That means, if you are sick or have a compromising or chronic condition, you should not plan on coming to services. Even after we return to in person worship we will still provide our services live on line each Sunday so you will be able to be with us in that way. Our goal is to be sure that everyone is safe, that we not be responsible for getting anyone sick, but trying to make connections with each other in the process.
At this time, the target is to return to in person worship the first Sunday of June, the 7th. That of course could change if the process of re-opening should take a turn for the worse. Even so, our worship will come with differences. Everyone should remember to keep at least six feet from others (non-familymembers). To ensure this, we will only be able to seat in every other pew. When you enter the sanctuary, you will have your temperature taken and then be asked to proceed to a pew. When the service has concluded, we ask that you remain in place as the ushers direct you out. We want this to be orderly and be sure that groups do not congregate together. Once you leave the sanctuary, we ask that you not stop and visit with others but return directly to your cars.
Since we will not be able to use each row of seating, the number of people who can get into the sanctuary will be limited. We have a plan for that. We have acquired the necessary equipment to broadcast the services to an FM radio. That means you can drive to the church, stay in your car, turn your radio to the correct station (we will get that information to you later) and share in the service real time. So don’t worry about there not being enough room for you, come on and enjoy “being together” in a new way. This also applies to any of you who are concerned that you are at risk to infection. If you wish to be with us, you can enjoy the service from your car.
I cannot say enough about the number of people who have worked so hard during all of these changes and uncertainties. Each and every member of the Unified Committee have taken on the challenges, including different ways of meeting, and worked to find answers. Dean, Dotty, Miranda and Bob have been quick to get the answers we need about our financials, so we can make plans and changes but ensure that the church is sound for the future. To Ron, Robbie and Lee, who have worked many hours to set up, test and refine the streaming process which includes a lot of new equipment and new ways of doing things. To Katie, who as always, works tirelessly in planning and leading in our worship services. I knew she did a lot, but I had the opportunity to see a glimpse of what it takes to make the services come together each week. To Shirley and the Bread Day crew for meeting the challenge of finding new ways to continue this ministry in safe ways. I stand amazed at the leading of the Spirit as the family known as Morgans Chapel continue to be the Church to this community. It is probably no secret that there are times when ministers get discouraged or burn out. But when I watch as this congregation works and loves and supports and steps up in tough times, it thrills my heart and strengthens my soul. And each day I say, Thank you God for these, your people. Amen.