After careful consideration the Unified Committee has decided that we will return to in person worship beginning next week, Sunday October 4th. This will of course be with some differences.
We will only use every other pew,
Members from different households are to maintain six feet separation
Everyone wear a mask.
There will be no fellowship food served after the service.
If you are health compromised in some manner it is highly recommended that you not attend. As always, we will continue to offer our services live each week via Youtube. Should you still want to come and the weather cooperates, we will offer the audio of the services outside to the yard directly beside the sanctuary. We are also working on setting up the television so you could watch the live stream of the broadcast should you want. This is a phase one step to returning to weekly services and we will continue to evaluate the situation and make changes as needed. I know we all want to see each other again but we need to remain vigilant in caring for each other.
I am thankful for the way God continues to look over us as we navigate these strange and difficult times. I am excited to see many of you again as we gather in gratefulness for the Grace we have experienced.
God Bless,