Holy Communion November 2024

Seven touches 

Congregations that have guests leave worship feeling like they have made significant connections make an intentional effort to have those guests greeted multiple times as they approach the worship space. The general rule is “7 touches,” which does not mean actual physical contact but some expression of welcome by multiple persons. For example: 

  • Parking lot greeters

  • Front door greeters

  • Ushers

  • Hospitality hosts/hostesses

  • Greeting time

  • Connection cards

  • Pastor welcome

  • Hospitality Center with hosts/hostesses

  • Conversations initiated by regular participants 

There are, of course, many other possible connection points! 

Why Jesus Is Not Our Copilot?

By J.D. Walt

"We are broken in our inmost being from the beginning. We cannot educate ourselves out of this condition or we would have by now. I wish it were not so, and yet the gift of God is complete restoration, deep salvation, redemption, healing and not so much being taught to fly as being lifted up on eagles’ wings. By the Word of God we are given the perspective of faith and hope and love, endowed with the very Spirit of God and the mind of Christ, and come to bear the flourishing fruit of the kingdom. This is the stuff of attunement."



Click here for Video of Sunday Message


Click here for Video of Sunday Message 〰️